Coronaviral disease (COVID-19) is spreading around the world at an alarming rate, claiming thousands of lives and threatening millions. The whole world is under its threat as of now, and to date, no medicine or vaccine has been developed to fight against this virus, named the Novel Coronavirus(SARS-CoV-2).
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Since, its outbreak in December 2019 from Wuhan, China the disease has spread over 155 countries, and infected 175 thousand people, and still increasing.
Though it is not scientifically verified, Some researchers believe that the outspread might slow down with the arrival of summer in the Northern Hemisphere. But the arrival of summer is still a long wait. Meanwhile, the winter is settling and the temperature is on the rise, which might have some impact. It’s only a hypothesis so far.
Higher temperatures and sunlight may reduce the viral load when directly exposed to it. It is because sunlight also radiates Ultra-violet (UV) light and heat that may act against viruses present on the surface of the skin or in the atmospheric air. While in reality, the virus resides inside the body and within the tissues where the sunlight cannot penetrate at all. Therefore, there might be minimal or no effect of sunlight on those viruses. Still, there is hope for some magic to happen with increased intensity of sunlight and temperature surge during summer.
Generally, isolation, medical attention or intensive care can be the best way to help the infected and susceptible people from COVID-19. But the health sector has its limitations. It may not be able to offer the best treatment for everyone. Also, medical supplies might soon run out of stock.
What do we do then?
What we look towards a situation like this, self-quarantine, prevention and treatment approaches can be our only choice. It is only how we can save ourselves and others. Everyone wants to live, and every human being has to protect himself and others from the impending disaster. But how?
What I am about to talk about is a traditional practice. But there are reasons why it might be an effective way to care for ourselves in this situation.
Application of heat therapy to the lungs could help us slow down the infection process of Coronavirus, in a similar way as other viruses that infect our respiratory tract.
An effective way for the application of heat is the inhalation of steam.
Traditionally, steam inhalation is practiced as a treatment for flu, and sinusitis, and might as well be effective against the Novel Coronavirus.
As we see it, there are three reasons for it to be considered.
• The virus infects our lungs where it replicates and begins to live. Inhalation of hot steam directly targets the lungs, where the virus is present and expanding its virulence.
• Steam contains water vapor heated up to 100 degrees. While the temperature might fall when it travels through the bronchi, there still lives enough heat that can cause damage to the virus. It’s because of the specific heat capacity of water is one of the highest in liquids. The heat that the vapor carries might just be enough to denature the surface proteins of the virus.
• Unlike other methods, steaming is harmless and doesn’t involve the use of chemicals. It applies to patients of all ages.
Inhalation of Steam is the direct application of heat into the interior of the lungs, and to the area where the infection occurs. This may not kill the virus, but can reduce the load and help to slow down the infection process, eventually extending the incubation period.
Due to this, our body gets more time to react to this infection and build antibodies. Eventually, we are saved from the surprise infection.
How to perform steam inhalation?
• The method is quite simple.
• First, you need to boil water.
• Pour it into a wide-mouthed bowl and lean over so the face is directly above the water.
• Cover the head with a large towel, or a blanket.
• Then, breathe through the nose forcing the steam from the water into the lungs.
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Some preventive measures are to be considered to prevent ourselves at home.
• Take a shower, or wash hands, face and open skin areas when you return home from anywhere outside.
• Inhale warm steam every day.
• Remove the dust in clothes by a vacuum or dip in the water. Stop yourself from shaking it off, as it might contain infectious particles.
• Wear a mask without failing, and in a proper way.
• Wipe off the door, window, and closet handles with a sanitizer regularly.
• Use a clean spoon to eat, or wash your hand thoroughly every time you prepare to eat. Avoid raw and improperly cooked food.
• Monitor your temperature, exercise and maintain safe social distance.
• Avoid visiting crowded places. If you have to make sure that you are covered with a mask.
• Do not consume antibiotics if you feel suspicious. Antibiotics are ineffective against all viruses.
• Stay updated and informed about the outbreak hotspots and avoid traveling those places.
Disclaimer: All views expressed on this site are my own and do not represent the opinions of any entity whatsoever with which I have been, am now, or will be affiliated.
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